Thursday, September 18, 2008


When I train, I often find myself performing at a level far below what I feel to be acceptable.  I experience a great deal of frustration and self loathing when I fail to perform technique perfectly. However, this response does not accord with the principals we see operating in nature.  From the entropy present in all natural systems, to the disastrous forces of unleashed nature, to the beauty of the asymmetrical, there is a Divine harmony in the imperfect.  The harmony present in natural imperfection speaks to the existence of Divine grace operating in a corrupted universe.

Budo has long recognized the virtue of imperfection in the development and operation of technique.  Imperfection is, in fact, desirable not to mention an ever present reality--we are not gods.  Indeed, the imperfect execution of technique allows for the creativity of "henka" and infuses budo with life.  In particular, taijutsu finds its strength and power in the freedom to apply the imperfect to the interplay of space and timing, producing martial art.  In the dojo, I observe as the young budoka struggle with the illusion of their own imperfection, while those mature in budo taijutsu move in natural unity with imperfection and, thereby, become living examples of martial art: the budo of elegance.


Atlanteaness said...

Beautifully written. I just got in and realized I was being "followed". I haven't the time to read over your blog with undivided (most certainly i will do such), but I appreciated the music. Curiosity - Are you a Shidoshi and/or what level of training do you hold? I believe that in our commonality, we can share and learn from one another. Dragon flies...

John said...

Thanks so much for your comment. Was out of town for the weekend and would have thanked you sooner. No, I'm not a shidoshi. I just train here in South Florida, USA and write my thoughts here. I'm working toward first dan and hope to train for the rest of my life. I'm also hoping to make it to Japan to see Soke soon. Have you been to the honbu dojo yet? Thanks again. I'm glad you like what you've seen so far. Hope to hear from you again soon.

Atlanteaness said...

Glad to hear from you, if even delayed. I didn't realize I would receive a reply here. I'm not familiar with "blogging".

For someone leading up to a first dan, you are well in depth for conscious writing/thought on the subject. I wish I could say I am moving up in the rank of training... I have been partially detained in doing such over the last couple years, due to injury. But nevertheless, my thoughts and practices still remain. I plan to return to my local dojo for practice this week. I am looking forward to the reprieve.

No I haven't been to honbu dojo, but I know every year there is an offer to return to Japan.

When did you start training? And do you practice any other forms of martial arts?